What is the ISO 9001 Standard?
The ISO 9001 standard is the one that establishes the requirements that a company must meet in order to have a correct quality management system established in its production system.
Certification in the ISO standard puts the focus on the customer. The customer and their satisfaction are at the center of the business.
The determination and implementation of a quality management system in accordance with the 9001 standard depends on issues such as the objectives that the company itself has, the products or services derived from its production or the requirements established by the client.
Evaluación de Proveedores y Subcontratistas
To ensure that the suppliers and subcontractors we work with meet certain requirements, we establish specific criteria for their evaluation, depending on the type of material provided or work for which it has been contracted. These criteria are recorded in an Evaluation Matrix (MaEval) and are defined by the Quality Director with the collaboration of any person in the company, depending on the products to be purchased or the work to be contracted. These requirements will be reviewed and updated as necessary.
At least once a year, the Quality Director is responsible for evaluating subcontractors and suppliers.
Suppliers and subcontractors are classified as follows:
COMMON: those that meet all the evaluation criteria. Those from whom we buy on a regular basis. ALTERNATIVES: those that do not meet all the requirements but we can count on them if something happens to the usual ones. REJECTED: those who after the evaluation do not meet the criteria, and at no time will they be available.
When conducting reevaluations, you can move from one level to another, depending on whether or not the established criteria are met.
Any new supplier or subcontractor that wants to work with our company must meet certain requirements, as specified in the MaEval. To ensure that these requirements are met, the Quality Director performs an initial evaluation, filling in an Initial Evaluation record (EvalIni).
In EvalIni, through a series of tests of orders / work to be carried out, we can classify new ones as Habitual, Alternative or Rejected.
Once the evaluation is finished, the Quality Director proceeds to open an Evaluation Sheet (FichaEv) and update the Lists of suppliers and subcontractors (ListProv, ListSub).
Each year, the Quality Director reassesses suppliers and subcontractors. This way we make sure that they meet the requirements established for each of them.
At the time of re-evaluation, the open EVCards and NCs are collected (as specified in theEvCards), the result of which is specified in the EVCF itself. Once the evaluation is finished, they proceed to the opening of the new FichaEv for each one of them.
MaEval, evaluation matrix. EvalIni, initial evaluation. TabEv, Evaluation sheet. NC, Non-Conformities related to suppliers or subcontractors. ListProv, list of providers. ListSub, subcontractor listing.